
The first year at secondary school is a crucial and formative year in the life and education of a child.

We place great emphasis on providing a secure base to which every student can relate. The college has developed pastoral care structures to ensure each student feels valued, secure and a part of our community.

Teachers adopt positive attitudes towards their students encouraging, guiding and treating them with respect.

College Discipline

It is true to say that ‘good discipline’ is desired by teachers, parents and students alike. When your child becomes a student at Glastry College, you are accepting that they will behave to the standard required in our College rules.

Students are required to behave responsibly at all times. They are required to display good manners, consideration, and respect for fellow students, teachers and other adults as well as respect for College property.

All students have the right to the opportunity of progressing to the best of their ability and to a setting which is conducive to effective teaching and learning. Students who act in such a manner as to interfere with these rights will be subject to the College’s disciplinary procedures, exact details of which are contained in the disciplinary policy which is issued to all parents whose children enrol in the college.

Pastoral Structure​

Each morning all year groups are split into registration classes and each class is assigned a group tutor who meets with students for 15 minutes every morning.

The group tutor will constantly monitor students’ welfare, academic progress, homework, punctuality and behaviour and is the first point of contact between the college and home.

Each group tutor reports directly to the Year Head, who in turn reports to the Vice Principal in charge of Pastoral Care.