Glastry College PTFA

Glastry College PTFA provides a valuable link between parents, teachers and pupils, planning events and raising money for school projects.  Previously, the PTFA have raised funds for various aspects of school life.  Departments and extra-curriculum activities have benefited greatly from this.

The fundraising efforts of the PTFA were severely hampered during COVID.  However, with restrictions easing over the last academic year, the PTFA wasted little time in resuming their fundraising efforts.  Throughout last year they organised a host of events including a Winter Raffle, an Easter Hamper Competition and Cash for Clobber resulting in raising funds of over £2700.  This year they have neen working through an action-packed calendar including a Speedquizzing evening to challenge those with outstanding general knowledge, Wreath Making with a Candlelight Supper and a festive Christmas Fayre to name but a few.  These important fundraising efforts will support our new enrichment curriculum, providing new learning experiences and opportunities for our students.

If you wish to register your details so that we can keep you informed of upcoming events, or would like to help in any way with the PTFA, please complete the form below or email

We greatly appreciate your support.  Thank you.